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L I S E T T E ' S  C A F E 



Similar to its original outlet in Bangsar, Lisette's Cafe concept is based on reminiscent of Old Malay mixed with Peranakan elements. After taking over Macha & Co. tenancy, Lisette's Cafe converted the existing bar into its bakery goods and coffee bar. The glass facade makes the visibility of the pastry area perfect as a sense of arrival, welcoming customers with rows of baked goods displayed above the glass stand. The glass stand serve its purpose to elevate the pastries stacked on top of different level for aesthetic visual reasons.


The dry kitchen space that was left by Macha & Co was demolished leaving 2 steel columns in the centre of the space, hence turning in into a buffet island table. The red floors serves its purpose to contrast with the white fixtures around the spaces. 


As part of a collaboration work with Nala Design, their fabrics are used for table cloths and cushion covers along with textile patterns, wallpapers, textile patterns on the ceiling and painted murals as part of wall decorative around the outlet. 


I was involved in leading the design, drawings and site supervision during construction stage, along with procuring the furniture, materials and collaboration effort with Nala Design.

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